The 8. part.
Of the contributions.
He prescribed an order for their contributing to the Christians at Hierusalem, 3. promising
to come vnto them. 10. Of Timothee, and of Apollo's comming hither. 13. And so with
exhortation, and diuers commendations, he endeth.
1. AND concerning the collections that are made for the Saints, as I haue ordeined to
the Churches of Galatia, so doe ye also.
2. In
That is Sunday. Hiero. q. 4. Hedibiæ. So quickly did the Christians keepe
Sunday, holiday, and assembled to Diuine Seruice on the same.
the first of the Sabboth let euery one of you put a part with himself, laying
vp what shal wel like him: that not when I come, then collections be made.
3. And when I shal be present; whom you shal approue by letters, them wil I send to
carie your grace into Hierusalem.
4. And if it be worthie that I also goe, they shal goe with me.
5. And I wil come to you, when I shal haue passed through Macedonia. For I wil passe
through Macedonia.
6. And with you perhaps I wil abide, or wil winter also: that you may bring me on my
way whithersoeuer I goe.
7. For I wil not now see you by the way, for I hope that I shal abide with you
sometime, if our Lord wil permit.
8. But I wil tarie at Ephesus vntil
The Heretikes & other new-fangled striue among themselues, whether Pentecost
signifie here the terme of fiftie daies, or els the Iewes holy-day so called. But
it commeth not to their minds that it is most like to be the feast of whitsontide,
kept & instituted euen then by the Apostles, as appeareth by the Fathers. See
S. Aug. ep. 119. c. 25. & 16. Ambr. in c. 17. Lucæ.
9. For a great doore and euident is opened vnto me: and many aduersaries.
10. And if Timothee come, see that he be without feare with you, for he worketh the
worke of our Lord, as also I.
11. Let no man therfore despise him, but conduct ye him in peace: that he may come
to me. For I expect him with the Brethren.
12. And of Brother Apollo I doe you to vnderstand, that I much intreated him to come
vnto you with the Brethren: and
at al it was not his mind to come now. But he wil come when he
shal haue leisure.
13. Watch ye, stand in the faith, doe manfully, & be strengthned.
14. Let al your things be done in charitie.
15. And I beseech you, Brethren, you know the house of Stephanas, and of Fortunatus,
that they are the first fruits of Achaia, & haue ordeined themselues to the ministerie of the
16. that you also be subiect to such, and to euery one that helpeth & laboureth with vs.
17. And I reioyce in the presence of Stephanas and Fortunatus and Achaicus, because
τὸ ὑμῶν ὑστέρημα.
that which you wanted, they haue supplied.
18. For they haue refreshed both my spirit and yours. Know them therfore that are such.
19. The Churches of Asia salute you. Aquila and Priscilla with their domestical
Church salute you much in our Lord.
20. Al the Brethren salute you. Salute one another in a
See Rom. 16,16.
holy kisse.
21. The salutation with mine owne hand Paules.
22. If any man loue not our Lord Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ Christ, be he anathema
23. The grace of our Lord Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ Christ be with you.
24. My charitie be with you al in Christ Iᴇꜱᴠꜱ. Amen.